she's a threadhead


Oh my, what a blurry of a week it’s been. I am super excited to have my time to myself again. Tonight’s plans are guilt-free crafting and falling asleep before eleven, I’m stoked.

I saw this painting at the de Young Museum in San Francisco, at an exhibition of Georgia O’Keeffe’s earlier work. While I always find her flowers to be pretty, the shades of blue in this painting really blew me away – and had me craving summertime skies. The weather currently is quite gloomy, but soon.

A Celebration – Georgia O’Keeffe [1924]

And also, I had the pleasure last night of being able to attend the debut of Dalloway, the moody and deeply enchanting new project of Alana Leprich, the Starving Artist from February’s SASK. She’s has a bandcamp going now, so give it a listen.

I hope you have a happy and productive weekend!